Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today after school, I was walking my two beagles with my dad and I had realized that for some reason ever since I was tiny and saw Alice in Wonderland, I have not been able to think of any answer for the riddle "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" Then that made me think of my passion for writing books that I some day might want to publish, and I realized that I have had so many great ideas for books. I found that I have started around 5-7 books but not one of them have I written more than one chapter just starting to get to the characters. Then I just seem to stop. Or I don't even get past writing down my idea so I don't forget it. I don't know if that is lack of motivation or if I just lose the story but either way I haven't gotten very far. It's sad really. But if anyone knows an answer to the riddle, feel free to tell me. After 10 years of pondering it, it is starting to get annoying. Obviously I have a lot of time to think about strange things.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Update

Last Saturday my rabbit got me three more ribbons. A best opposite sex, a 1st and a 2nd, just about like what he usually gets me because he's such a good rabbit. But I'm also on two antibiotics. It seems like when just get over something I get something else but worse. Its strange because I rarely get sick. But I'm doing better now and I hope it stays that way.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This week has been busy. The Sophomores are doing WASL testing which means our schedules are for shorter classes. But even though they are shorter classes, the teachers are giving us work like it's a normal day. I'm so tired. My rabbit show is Saturday! I hope my rabbit behaves at the show.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend I have been preparing my show rabbit Harvey for a show next weekend. I have clipped his nails and given him a bath. (His first and hopefully his last bath in his life. Rabbits only need to be washed if they got soiled on.) I've taken my dogs for a walk, and taken the stitches out of my kitty.

The weather is finally getting warmer, and when we start filming again we might get to do it on a real, working train! Ron and I will get to learn to drive it if the train owners give us the OK. That would be so cool!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


We did it! Our musical was a hit! With only 4 performances we made over $2,000. Most of the town has asked us to do one or two encore performances in April. We had so much fun and can't wait to do it again!