Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Almost Time!

My Birthday party went very well. I had so much fun! And guess what, only 7 more school days till I graduat on June 7th. It is soooo close.I just need to get my finals out of the way first and it will be a straight path.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This Months Update

Well Prom was April 19th, and I went with some friends in a Limo and ate at Chillies'. Prom was pretty fun. I liked last years a little better though. After prom the limo took us home and everyone but one friend spent the night at Lisa's. We got in her hot tub, her parents had special food ready for us like chocolate covered straberries Icecream, aparkling cider with pomagranite sugar aon the rims of the glasses and more. They even made us breakfast the next morning. It was cool.
I turned 18 years old last Tuesday. We invited plenty of family and only grandma and grandpa came. It was kind of sad. Then I had to go sing at our distict concert that evening because our concert date got move up a week. Yuck. But I'm planning a b-day party for Memorial Day. So that should be fun.
We went to the Davenport rabbit show last weekend and did very well. One of my young junior rabbits is almost grand championed and rabbits that young having that happin is like 1 in 300 or so. So that was cool. Then I went to dance this evening and found out that my dance teacher quit and I don't have dance for a while until I find a new place or they find a new teacher. So I've been pretty busy.