Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Photo Shoot

Today we did the Othello photo shoot. It took about an hour and a half to do my hair because I have such thick hair and I love my outfits. There were six of us that were in the photo shoot, Andrew: Iago, Aaron: Othello, Me: Desdemona, Missy: Emilia, Cory: Cassio, and Bethany: Bianca. We looked cool. We did a few different poses and some costume changing. I really think this is going to be a great show, and we have a great cast who is not only talented but very hot!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have found that it is a bad idea to put my hair in curlers. I was testing it out because Bethany told me to do it for Wednesday's photo shoot so she would only have to do touch ups. I am definitely not doing that. I looked like and untameable poodle and the picture my mother took is for black mail lol. So she is just going to have to curl my hair by hand, which is not that difficult since she knows how to do hair. But curlers will not touch my hair again and is also the reason why i don't have a perm nor will anyone see pictures of my perm. At least I tested it and didn't wait till Tuesday night to do this. It would be terrible.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Winter's Tale

I went to a Gonzaga play of Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" with some friends last night. It was definitely interesting. I didn't really know what was going on most of the time, but the bear coming though the cave wall was definitely the best part! I think Gonzaga could have put on a much better Shakespeare play than that though. Shakespeare is definitely hard to do but I think with all the work we are putting into "Othello", it will be a really good one. That is definitely saying something since I saw "Othello" a few years ago by a not-so-great group of actors and decided I didn't like it thinking that it was the story that sucked, but through experience now realizing it was the portrayal of the story that sucked. Now it has grown on me and I am determined to be a good Desdemona.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well today was a little crazy. We accidentally burned one batch of bread then almost kinda burned another. Almost ran out of bread while waiting for it to cook. Got off later than I was supposed to. Realized that all of break I haven't seen any of my friends. Hmm... I wonder if they still exist... Of course they do, They are just busy like me:) Then walked the dogs, fed the rabbits, and found that college was cancelled due to the weather. But I'm happy it is because I need another day to unwind from the holidays.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Sometimes I wish I was a vampire like in Twilight were I didn't need to sleep. There are just not enough hours in a day to complete my tasks. I have had some more Othello practices and have decided being the only girl at these few "over Break" practices are a bit scary. I swear those guys only "behave" when I'm around. It's hilarious. They are awsome. I am now freaking a tiny bit as I still have four long scenes to memorize and I am supposed to have them down by Monday at 1pm. Yikes! But then I'm not to awfully worried since I'm sure no one else has everything memorized as well.

I bought a corset today for my outfits for the play. I swear, corsets follow me EVERYWHERE! Don't they know I don't like them? I had found this fact out in Transcontinental. I do have to admit though, this one is prettier and a bit more comfortable. I still can't bend my waits in it though. :)

One thing I did however get done today was my necessary shopping. I Have recently been able to get back to dancing. You know you need to buy a size smaller in Jeans when you can pull down your pants without unbuttoning them. I really didn't think I had anything to lose but I guess so. Shirts were necessary as well seeing how I have had issues with ruining my shirts. I had between 5 and 8 shirts left. I guess that's what happens when you have a messy person like me trying to cook and then learn how to use a washing machine. Lets just say it doesn't go so well. Looking back on it is is kinda humorous though. I feel like an idiot.

I will have more updates on rehearsals and life in general as soon as I can get life back in "general" control.