Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hoopfest Week

I got to see my Aunt Junie on Fathers Day before she went back home to Florida. It was nice. Yesterday Dad and Annalise surprised me with a new digital camera and in my favorite color too! I love it, it takes such good pictures. Me and Missy and Amanda all went out yesterday to try on bridesmade dresses for Missy's wedding. Found one we all liked and it was the most inexpensive too! Jackpot! This week is also Hoopfest week which means I work a lot and work Hoopfest this weekend. Good money but the work kinda sucks since I'm still sick, but oh well.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Out for the Summer

Moms memorial went well. The animals are adjusting to life nicely and the kittens are getting big enough to need homes. I am almost better from being sick and I recommend everyone to go see the movie The Hangover. It was soooo funny! Didn't pass the math final so I get to try again and if I still don't pass then I have to take the math class over again. Boo. Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the weather as much as I am with the sun and the awesome storms.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Michele K. Rubidoux

My Mom passed away Sunday June 7, 2009. We are having her memorial Saturday June 13th. I miss her so much. Now I am in the process of moving out of the appartment into my dads house. It is slow going, but its going all the same. I want to thank everyone for all the support and love.
Even with all that going on, I want to make sure everyone still knows to come to the drag show this thursday at 7:30 in blg. 15. I hope to see everyone there and bring lots of friends.