I am taking a four week long American Sign Language course this summer. Its very compact as its suppose to originally be twelve weeks. But its not to bad. I have been keeping up and passing all my tests. I just finished writing out my plan for my 10 min. long signing project I have to do in front of the class next week. I'm doing it on fitting and showing my rabbits.
I also got to talk to Joanne from my dads work yesterday at Denny's. Man at first I really sucked at it, but I started picking things up and it was slow going but I was getting it. This week I have also decided to re evaluate my life and decide if I want to wait till I finish my AA and then do the Interpreting course OR do the interpreting course next quarter and I think I will start with everyone else next quarter and finish that and then finally finish the AA and be done. It seems smoother and so I will hopefully be spending at least once a week with Joanne and other members of the Deaf community to get better. I'm excited now! I will be an interpreter!