Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Go 2011!

It is only the third week of January and so much has already happened. I won't go into specifics, but I'm just gonna say that I will only surround myself with friends and family I feel act the way I want to act and be the kind of people I want to be. Also for school, its really stressful, but I am making HUGE strides in my career field. I am so excited for it. As my teachers say, "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyways" or "That's not fear, that excitement, [I just might not know it yet]". Its going great so far though. This year really does seem very promising. YAY!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wow factor

Really, They have to be so ridiculous to decide that "Hmmm the sun and such has moved so instead of tweaking the dates a little with the original accepted 12 zodiac signs we're gonna just decide that we are just going to fit in a 13th sign instead and piss everyone off" Great idea Mr. Scientist Guy. You now have few friends. I am stubborn just like MY zodiac sign says so I won't accept this new sign system. Just a fact of life. The old system stays. I guess some are trying to say that its only those who were born after 2009 that the new sign effects, but really, that just makes a mess. So lets all just carry on our merry way and be done with it already.

That's my soap box.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The New Year

Happy New Year! Well, lets hope it is anyways. My car lights are acting strange right now, my outlets in just my room are out for some reason, and lets just say everything today has been a little strange. And more information that is really weird has come to my attention this week that for now I am just going to pretend didn't happen for a little while.

School has now started up again and I am still in the Interpreting Program which means I passed last quarters classes!! Yay! Play practice for Richard III is on its way and we are already making terrific progress. Getting stress under control, which also means getting my temper under control is a bit hard since it was just the first week of classes. Lets hope everything goes well :)