Sunday, September 29, 2013

Can't Wait For Little Shop!

It's almost October and man is that one of my favorite months of the year. I love the corn mazes and the apple picking, not to mention Halloween is my favorite holiday. This coming Saturday October 5th, I will be volunteering with Ignite!community theater to haunt the HUB corn maze. In doing this the theater is paid enough money to help them continue their shows this season. we need many more volunteers as we are falling short. There are three different days they are doing the haunting but only one of them can I help with.

The show that is coming up is called Little Shop Of Horrors. It is such a great musical and if you haven't seen the 1980's musical version I highly suggest to. That is what our show is from. I am the third large version of the giant Audrey 2 plant and one of two puppeteers for the 4th Audrey 2 (Audrey 2 grows through 4 stages before she is large enough to eat people.) This show opens October 18th at 7:30 pm and runs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for three weekends. We close on November 3rd. It will be so much fun. It's crazy cuz I am on a team that is building the puppets and it has been a really fun learning process.
(not our plant, but ours will be close :) )

Friday, September 13, 2013

Vacation and Exciting Theater

Chad and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation together for a week in Seattle area. We first had a hotel at the Westin Hotel and enjoyed ourselves in PAX. For those of you who don't know what PAX is, it is the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle WA.  It has mainstream and independent gaming companies there showing you their newest games and allowing you to play those games and new consoles before they are allowed for purchase to the world. They also have an arcade room where you can play all the old arcade games and pinball machines. We also painted some Dungeons and Dragons mini figures as well as bought a ton so we can paint them and use them in our D & D games. We listened to some of our favorite game voice actors speak and much more.

Once we were done at our three days of PAX, we headed up to Bellingham for three days to visit my step-sister Taryn and her boyfriend Will. It was great. We played with their dog Lou Dog, and their eighteen month old kitten Yetti. Taryn made us dinner and we played Settlers of Catan and Cards Against Humanity. I even learned how to make home made guacamole.

Now that we are back I have dove head in to Ignite! Theater. Right now they have their show "The Odd Couple" (female version) Running this weekend and next and they need everyone's support to make this show a success. This is the first show of the season and it needs to be a financial success to lay the foundation for the upcoming shows. It is running Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are $15  unless you buy them in advanced which saves you money. Donations are gladly accepted.

The next show at Ignite! Theater is "Little Shop of Horrors" and it will be fantastic. I am part of the group that is currently making all 4 Audrey Two puppets for the show. I will be the sole puppeteer for the 3rd "Teen" Audrey two plant as that plant has grown to the size of a person and can eat a chopped up person for dinner...yum. I am one of two puppeteers that will be pupeting the last and largest Audrey two plant puppet. Her plant pod head is six feet by four feet approximately and she will start about 6 feet tall when in her lowest rest position. She will be enormous and by the end of the show will have eaten at least three cast members. I encourage everyone to come support our theater. Spread the word. That show opens Oct. 18th and runs Friday, Saturday, Sunday for 3 weeks!

SO yes, this week has been busy making the molds for the fiberglass we will be using to create these giant puppets. Man am I tired.